Friday, November 28, 2008
.November Rain.

Happy Birthday!! Well its the month of November and coincidentally, two birthdays falls on this month. The little girl on top is none other than my sister, Nurin Syahirah. She's the 2nd youngest and its her 8th birthday. Even though she never fail to get on my nerves almost everyday, she's still my sister afterall. So Happy Birthday to you sister! Grr!As for the guy, he's name is Muhammad Nasri. He became a close friend of mine eversince i attended ITE. Well, the fact is, we already know each other eversince we were in kindergarten. He used to be a classmate of mine and i used to throw toys at him back then. Haha. And 11 years later, we're classmates again. What a small world indeed. Anyway, after much waiting, he's gonna turn 18 finally(boboi gonna turn 18 kape?huahua). So Happy Birthday to you Nasri! May u enjoy life to the fullest with your loved ones! Da tkya suruh aku belikan storm..
Alright im down with this damn high fever and I guess its because of my excessive thinking(fikiran tk abes2). I used to call someone 'Muke Penyakit' and now its my turn. Oh well...I'll just continue praying then..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Lets just say "Forget It..."
This life is just an empty space
Monday, November 17, 2008

Been feeling eeerr.....damn i cant even describe how im feeling right now. I don't know why but my heart just kept pumping faster and faster every single day. And this brain of mine just cant stop thinking. Lots and lots of thinking. Obviously, negative ones. If only i could cut open my heart and let you hold it, maybe then you'll see whats always been on my mind. Seems like everyday, im positioned in a no man's land with this overload brain of mine. At anytime, any second or any moment, it can just "poof" and explode. Like a time bomb. And this heart, will always be in the hands of a juggling clown.
Im not even sure of what im talking about right now. But one things for sure is im still waiting for everything to fall back together in one piece. Waiting for you to talk to me. Waiting for my prayers to be answered. Waiting for this heart and mind to be functioning back as per normal. Easier said, waiting for my rainbow to appear. That rainbow is definitely you cos nothing mean so much to me then YOU...
Saturday, November 15, 2008

The world is indeed in turmoil. Wouldnt it be great if every human beings stop holding grudges? Stop hating each other? Stop thinking for themselves? And just stop all this nonsense? Cant everyone hold their hands together and smile instead? Show the love for each other? Care for each other? And together, hold the world in one perfect piece? Theres always something in the way. If only every human beings could just change for the better, the world would surely be a wonderful place to be. Yeah random. Duhh...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I just wanna dedicate this song to my one and only Nursyahirah...
Jangan Diucap Selamat Tinggal
Ku mencari, ku mencari
Apakah salahku
Kau buat ku termenung seorangan
Dalam diri sangsi, akhirnya begini
Perpisahan tak ku duga
Ku mengerti, ku fahami
Keputusan diri
Biar saja aku sebegini
Permintaan terakhirku, jangan kau lafazkan
Simpan saja kata-kata
Jangan diucap selamat tinggal
Jangan kau ucap selamat tinggal
Jangan diucap selamat tinggal
Walaupun seketika, walaupun sekelip mata
Simpan saja kata-kata, ke akhir hayat yang ada
Walaupun seketika, walaupun sekelip mata
Simpan saja kata-kata, ke akhir hayat yang ada
(My dear Nursyahirah, no matter what happens, i will always hold you in my heart till the end of time. I will always love you sayang.)

(Ok thats not my hand. haha)
Oh well i didnt attend school today. Studying seems to me not a priority anymore. Alrite thats a lie. Haha. Studying is pretty much my priority anyway. Eversince i attended ITE, it really changes my life and perception of studying. So yeah anyway i didnt attend school today due to my NS Enlistment Medical Checkup. Headed down to CMPB so very damn early at around 7 plus with 2 other friends. The appointment was supposed to be at 1030am but we decided to be there at 0830am. Well we are just so excited to take the blood test. Haha thats a lie again (padehal satu-satu muke da "col"). Yeah and before that we ate at Mcdonalds when by right we shouldnt be consuming foods before the checkup (satu-satu perangai).
A few hours later at 1pm, we're finished with the appointment (Amcm abg-abg enlistment? =D). But too bad me and another friend, Nasri had to be called up again for another appointment because they just love taking our blood (hah mcm paham). Yeah after that we headed home. Burr..
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yaw yaw yaw! Wth. Anyway this week has been so dull. Again. Schools as usual except for some great happenings which appeared & disappeared in a matter of a blink. Lol. Had been quite busy doing tutorials nowadays. Well just wanna work extra hard since its the last term of my life in ITE. Cool or what? Hmm nah i think im gonna miss ITE so much instead. Ouh yeap. My NS checkup is coming soon. And damn just having the thoughts of LONG, GIGANTIC needles made me shiver. They're gonna take away my blood. And Im gonna miss my blood. Wth. So, nothing much to blog actually. Thats it.
Sampaikan salam buat semua
Salam terakhir salam teristimewa
Kepada kau yang tersayang
Pada teman yang ku kenang
Pemergian ku ini tak dirancang
Usah bertanya mengapa aku
Mengucap salam terakhir kepada mu
Kerna waktu berputaran
Bimbang tak berkesempatan
Melahirkan kerinduan terhadapmu
Demi sebuah kenyataan
Yang amat menyakitkan
Aku yang tidak berdaya
Hanya berserah padaNya
Salam akhir
Salam yang teristimewa
KepadaNya ku memohon keampunan
MelaluiNya ku beri kemaafan
Andainya aku punya waktu
Masih ku ingin mengulangi semula
Saat indah bersama mu
Sayang tak berkesempatan
Abadikan saja salam ku di ingatan
Salam ku yang terakhir
Seems like I just cant keep my words. Farrell ouh Farrell.