
Hola Tericollas! It's been so long since I've posted something in this blog. Well what can I do when life starts to get more exciting and anticipating. Calculation has it that my last post was approximately 1 month before. Yeap and so 1 month later I've decided to well...write a post again. Here it goes...=)
School is ending soon...and that marks graduation! Yay! Finally, I'm gonna bid farewell to ITE and welome Poly. Its been a ride for the past 2 yrs since I attended ITE and hell yeah it brings so much memories during my times in there. In fact, almost every single minute turns out to be wonderful moments. Those friends I've made changes my life in so many ways. 'Priceless' is the perfect word to describe them because they are my sunshine. Everyday, we never fail to laugh at each others jokes and attitudes even those lame ones. It's so sad when everyone are gonna go seperate ways. Some will be serving NS and some will continue studying. Well I am really gonna miss everyone comes graduation.
Anyway, project presentation is nearing and I could feel those butterflies appearing bit by bit in my stomach. Who doesnt man when you have to do a presentation in front of the lecturers and especially the section head. My group was really fortunate to be able to finish the product early thus we are left with only the report and powerpoint. So yeah hope it goes well on presentation day.
Whats the most exciting is I'm in the process of getting a bike licence! Woohoo! Soon baby! And then comes the problem. I'm near to bankruptcy and I need a job! Damnit! Wahhaa...
Alrite I got something to show. I'ts written by a long lost friend of mine whom we've never met since primary school. Her name is Zatie and she's ermm...what we called each other, 'Fren Forever". Hah! Anyway I find it so sweet of her to really take the initiative and go the extra mile to create this poem. =)
Farrell is a friend
Whom I called 'fren'
He calls me the same
Instead of my name
No idea whatsoever
When I first saw his picture
Haven't met for ages
Guess its been 7 years
Long lost fren I've found
Won't be lost this time round
Coz most days' I'd say
Fren is just a click away
Though fren is lame
He's not to blame
Coz it's always like this
I'm lamer than he is
Fren makes me look crazy
As I laugh unnecessarily
At 2,3 in the morning
About the stuff he's crapping
So chase the clouds away
Never let it stay
One thing I've gotta say
Ur rainbow will emerge one day
Lastly,thank you dear fren
For all this while
U've made me smile
U're always a life-saver
And not forgetting,
by: Zatie
Hows that! Adios amigo! =)